Our Classes
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Our classes range from in-person drop-in classes, weekend courses & retreats & in-depth study programs.
No prior experience of meditation or knowledge of Buddhism is necessary to participate.
Everyone Welcome.
Learn to Meditate, or Deepen Your Daily Practice.
Find the class that's right for you
General Program Classes
Prayers for World Peace
This class includes a guided meditation, a prayer dedicated to world peace, and a teaching on a Buddhist topic. Increase your wisdom, grow your compassion, and familiarize your mind with the experience of inner peace through meditation.
Everyone is welcome.
Sundays • 10:30 am – 12 noon
Suggested donation $15
No registration required. Simply show up!
Unleashing Our Potential - NEW class starts MAR 10
Buddhism teaches that we have the potential for a deep, stable happiness that arises from a peaceful mind and is independent of external conditions. This is referred to as true happiness. One definition of the word potential is…something that is stored up, but hidden, and has the capability of becoming an actuality, once it is released So that means it is already there.
To achieve true happiness we need to gain an understanding of what it is, develop faith that it’s possible, generate a wish/intention to unleash it and engage in the training and meditations that will take us there Join us in exploring together Buddha’s teachings on this joyful journey.
Each class is self-contained and will include guided meditations, a short talk and time for questions.
Everyone is welcome.
Mondays • 7 – 8pm
$12 per person | free with monthly membership
No registration required. Simply show up!
Talk & Meditation:
New Year, New You - Becoming a Better Meditator
Every new year brings with it the promise of new possibilities. We set our sights high, committing to big and bold New Year’s resolutions. We decide this will be the year we finally become the person we always knew we could be. Then January rolls into February and March, and…what happened? Buddha knows how to get the new year off to a good start. Meditate.
If you want to kickstart your 2025 meditation practice, join us each week, where Gen Chogyop will share the views and methods to power your practice throughout your life. You will learn the fundamentals of the Buddhist view and how they apply to meditation. You’ll learn how to build a meditation experience that brings joy and confidence and connects you with your potential to experience deeper peace, happiness, and inner freedom. Also, you will learn meditation basics, the “nuts and bolts” of meditating. By changing how we view meditation and ourselves, we can make 2025 the year we start on the path to deep and lasting change.
Everybody is welcome.
Dec 31 NYE Talk and Brunch (starts at 10am)
Jan 7 - Basic Buddhist Views
Jan 14 - Class cancelled due to teacher illness
Jan 21 - What is Meditation?
Jan 28 - Center Closed - Moving to our new location!
Feb 4 - The Power of Meditating on Compassion
Feb 11 - Essentials for Success in our Practice
Feb 18 - Overcoming Laziness
Feb 25 - The Power of Retreat
Tuesdays • 9:15 – 10:30 am
$15 per person | free with monthly membership
No registration required. Simply show up!
Talk & Meditation:
Gateway to Understanding the Mind
January 7 – February 25
Buddha taught that there are inner diseases called the three poisons that are at the root of all our problems and pain. If we can understand our own mind, we can learn to first recognize, then reduce and finally abandon completely the deeper mental origins of suffering and find a lasting freedom and peace from within.In this series gain insights and an understanding of the nature and function of your mind. Meditation is a key tool in beginning to understand and transform our own mind. From this we attain a lasting state of joy, independent of external conditions.
Everyone is welcome.
Tuesdays • 7 – 8 pm
$12 per person | free with monthly membership
No registration required. Simply show up!
Don't Worry, Be Happy
Worrying is easy. What we don’t often realize is that it also ruins our happiness.
Rob will give teachings and guide meditations that lead to mental well-being, peace and happiness, even when life is very difficult. He will explain how we can permanently solve all our suffering and problems – our unpleasant feelings – and accomplish the real meaning of our human life through receiving Buddha's teachings. Each week you will receive practical advice that you can put into practice immediately. Over time, these new understandings will not only enrich our life, but have life changing results. How fortunate we are!
Everyone is welcome.
Wednesdays • 7 – 8 pm
$12 per person | free with monthly membership
No registration required. Simply show up!
Lunchtime Meditation
with Diane Cadman & Diana Barbera
Take 30 minutes in the middle of the day to cultivate inner peace and happiness. These short classes offer practical meditations on gaining mindfulness and concentration which will eventually lead to deep levels of inner peace. No previous meditation experience is necessary. Perfect for beginners and more experienced meditators.
Everyone is welcome.
Mondays | Wednesdays | Fridays • 12 noon – 12:30 pm
$5 per person | free with monthly membership
No registration required. Simply show up!
HYT Practice Class
Gen Chogyop will guide us through the ritual aspect of this HYT practice, as well as give commentary on the Eleven Yogas, learning how to integrate Vajrayogini practice into our daily life, seeing each moment as an opportunity to progress quickly on the path to enlightenment.
You must have Heruka and Vajrayogini empowerments to attend this class.
Saturday/monthly • 10 am – 12 noon
Next class: Please check our calendar for date.
$20 per person | no discounts given
“The actual function of a Dharma Center is to give teachings to the people in the area and, by sharing with them our experience of Dharma, to help them to solve their daily problems.”
— from the book The New Meditation Handbook by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Experiencing financial difficulty? No one is turned away for lack of funds. Please email us to inquire about reduced class fees.
General Program Classes
Meditations for a Happy Life
with Russell & Adrienne Chell
This series of classes will be based on the books 'How to Solve Our Human Problems' & 'Modern Buddhism' by Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, both which provide practical advice on how to change our world by changing our mind. This series of classes is perfectly suited for those seeking solutions within Buddhism to problems of everyday life, as well as for encouraging practitioners of all faiths to deepen their understanding and practice of the spiritual path.
No previous meditation experience is necessary. Perfect for beginners, as well as more experienced meditators.
Everyone is welcome.
Thursdays • 7 – 8 pm - NEW series begins JAN 23, 2025
$12 per person | free with monthly membership
Grace-St. Paul's Episcopal Church
3715 East State Street
Hamilton Township, NJ 08619
classes held in the Community Room
You may register & pay in advance for each class below, or at the door upon arrival.